MANCHESTER – Last week, science classes at Memorial High School teamed up with Harvard Forest on a study called "Buds, Leaves and Global Warming," to determine if and how the tree’s growing season is impacted by climate change.
Since it is impossible for scientists to collect large amounts of data over large territories, Harvard Forest seeks out help from trained citizen scientists, including educators working with students. In preparation for the yearly study, students were trained on the protocols for data collection and have spent time collecting data on selected trees on Memorial's campus.
Each student is part of a team that is monitoring the growth season of identified trees. They are currently collecting information such as leaf size, leaf color and leaf drop dates. In the spring they will measure bud size and dates that leaves emerge.
At the end of the study , students will prepare a press release for Harvard. Each student who participated will receive a certificate of their participation as an acting citizen scientist.
Harvard Forest, located in Petersham, Massachusetts, has operated the Schoolyard Ecology program since 2004. Through the program, teachers can get support with collecting ecological data right in their school’s own backyard. For more information about the Harvard study please go to: